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Monday 14 May 2012

Some Comments on Bishop Morlino, Gingrich, Wisconsin, and the USCCB

"This administration is giving us no choice." Newt Gingrich had an exclusive interview on EWTN in which he confronted the fact that if Obama is re-elected, there is a real chance of the Church being persecuted. The USCCB will meet this summer on religious freedom and the Church, and Gingrich pointed out that this meeting will be extremely important. I was watching this today and the Republican was very clear on the goodness of the Paul Ryan budget, which has passed the House, and which has been maligned by the still socialist bent of the USCCB, who do not seem to understand the difference between sensible cut backs and caring for the poor. The USCCB must move away from a socialist mind-set regarding the Bloated State. This, sadly, is the result of years of socialist influence in that bishops' group. Bishop Morlino followed and the subject of the budget came up. Now, I have followed Paul Ryan and his career for years, having lived in Wisconsin. I have heard him in person at a conference. Paul Ryan does stay in touch with Bishop Morlino and the Bishop said that he trusts Paul Ryan "as a lay leader, to make his own judgments in a sound way... and very much in accord with the Catholic Church."

Bishop Morlino stated that the Church is not looking for issues to which to respond, but that the USCCB is trying to respond to these issues. He stated that religious freedom must and most likely will get top priority.

Bishop Robert Morlino had an excellent interview on the problem with the parish in Wisconsin, which is not the subject of this posting, but I recommend that interview, which also covered the Georgetown debacle with Sibelius, and the Catholic VPs stand on civil unions. The Bishop is an excellent leader.  The reference to the misunderstandings of Vatican II was clear as Bishop Morlino backed up Pope Benedict XVI's call to go back to orthodox Catholic teachings. Bishop Morlino is one of the best spokesman for Catholic teaching. God bless him.

Also, there is another link, a separate, but interesting subject--Rev. Wright.