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Thursday 7 February 2013

Watch and listen to language

I noticed today that some popular persons in the world are using apocalyptic language with regard to America falling. Now, some of us who are Catholic and Christian see steps towards that taking away of freedoms of religion, arms, and even movement. That the Constitution is under attack, there is no doubt. All the bishops have a lawsuit against obamacare.

However, using apocalyptic language has been the agenda of other groups, such as Marxists and anarchists. When, this morning, I heard a far-left liberal referring to the fall of America because the country is prejudice and against minorities. The man speaking is a professional revolutionary. I withhold his name.

Well, prejudice is a sin, but what this man meant was not racial prejudice merely. Many radicals want to carry on the fight to make homosexuality acceptable in all cultures.

When the far-left uses language that Christ gave us in the Apocalyse, we know we are in trouble. Such propaganda makes good into evil and evil into good.

Watch and listen. Pray.

This has all happened before. And, the Church has been the butt of propaganda since Elizabeth I in a systematic way.

Note, from Wiki, these two obviously rude cartoons using propaganda against Rome.