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Thursday 19 June 2014

Loss of Friends

For me, as a single person, after the loss of the presence of my son so far away, the loss of friends forms one of the greatest sufferings in my life. I can imagine, a bit, how St. Paul must have felt moving from place to place, making new friends in Christ, but having to leave old ones.

Leaving old friends is like leaving a part off one's self. Every time I leave close friends, I die a little.

Maybe that is the reason God puts me in the position to have to leave friends instead of sticking around. Death of self...relying totally on Him, the Bridegroom, not being allowed particular friendship for any length of time.

My friends are all truly special. Most are Latin Mass, orthodox Catholics, who make me a better person just by osmosis. Some are as close to me as my own self. Some are very old close friends and some are newer ones with whom I have become close in a short time, like three and a half years.

But, I am denied permanency at this time.

Even INTJs have feelings.

So, I have not seen C or B, or J and E and their children for a long time. I have not seen D or R or Z since before Thanksgiving.

Soon, I shall have to leave D and S, K and E.

There is nothing one can do except pray, "Thy Will be done".

Thy Will be done, and please, God, bless all my dear friends.